





My Friends and I around the World








Carbon, Oxygen, and I just hanging.      Chlorine really makes me look good... thanks bro              Me doing what I do best.  I'm so good at what I do.


Electron Shell Diagram
















































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Page history last edited by Calcium 11 years, 5 months ago


  Calcium Metal



"The name's Bond--Covalent Bond."


Status update:

Did you guys hear that Oxygen and Magnesium had a fight last night... OMg


You guys should thank me... without me, you wouldn't have cheese. Or milk.

Think about it. calciYUM and all that.


I don't think I can handle my fight with COanymore...

it's dissolving me! (Seriously though, dude, you need to stop overREACTING.) 



 3-5 sentences about the elements. (physical and chemical properties)



Hey guys! Calcium here! I'm a soft gray alkali earth metal, number 20 on the periodic

table and number one in keeping your bones healthy and strong. I'm the 5th most abundant

element in the earth's crust.  I'm an important messenger between cells in living things.  My most common state is solid.  Solid like a rock.  (But not really cuz I can be cut with a knife with some effort.)



Network: Metal


Valence electrons: 2

Reactivity: High  
Parent: Sir Humphry Davy


Birthday: 1808   
Address: 20 Periodic Table Way, Alkali Earth, Crust  
Hometown: England  
State: United Kingdom  
Group: Alkali Earth Metals  
Relationship: In a relationship with Oxygen.  Man, we make some good calcium oxide! ;)  
Activities & Interests: 2-3 sentences about the elements.

 My interests include making people's bones and teeth strong and healthy.  I love hanging out with Oxygen, Carbon, Boron, and my other friends I like to spend time and BOND with.. hahahahahaaa...... 


Places: "check in" with at least three places the element can be found

Hey guys.  Just been hanging with Oxygen at Earth's Crust!  We helped out the paper industry.

Been at home watching "Cinderellament" (don't judge) with my neighbors Sodium, Potassium, Scandium, Rubidium, Strontium, and Yttrium.  Yeah, I don't know what their parents were thinking.  Those were definitely not on the 1800s most popular baby names list....  Magnesium was the only one not there, since she and Oxygen are still fighting.

Whew!  Sorry I'm really tired.. just came back from working in the body.  Reenforcing those bones and teeth is hard!  If only people would stop eating so much dairy and veggies.  Yaaaawwwwn 



Create a photo album:

  • fun images - pictures that contain the element

    - every photo must have a caption


    Groups:list the pages you are a "fan" of here

    Alkaline Earth Metals Group Page





      "Calcium." Chemicool Periodic Table. Chemicool.com. 04 Oct. 2012. Web. 11/4/2012   
    "Elements in the EarthÂs Crust." Elements in the EarthÂs Crust. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2012.   
    Infoplease. Infoplease, n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2012.   
    "Calcium." QuickFacts. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2012.  
    "Calcium Rich Foods - Essential To The Health Of Bones And Teeth." Natural Wellness, Healing, Holistic Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2012.        



    add your friends here - make sure you link it and insert their profile pictures






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    Comments (8)

    Anne Alarcon said

    at 1:25 pm on Oct 16, 2012

    Why are you sometimes added to orange juice?

    Calcium said

    at 11:02 pm on Nov 4, 2012

    I add nutrients that are essential to the body to make the teeth and bones strong and caarry messages between cells.

    Cesium said

    at 2:51 pm on Oct 26, 2012

    i heard about oxygen and magnesium..... how ionic

    Chlorine said

    at 9:59 pm on Nov 1, 2012

    We make several medicines together that treat a variety of illnesses! We've definitely got our re-ACT together!

    Iodine said

    at 12:55 pm on Nov 4, 2012

    wow, did you know you make Calcium hydroxide with Hydrogen and Oxygen? you're very reactive!

    Boron said

    at 5:04 pm on Nov 4, 2012

    hey me, you, and oxygen make calcium borate

    Thalium said

    at 12:44 am on Nov 5, 2012

    i love your quote! it's really creative:)
    i didn't know you were so reactive, but that's cool..
    and you're found with oxygen in earth's crust...interesting.

    Argon said

    at 2:17 pm on Nov 16, 2012

    HaHa! i like your comments.

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